Saturday, April 25, 2009

South of Here - "The Last Generation"

First place: NPPA Multimedia Contest, September 2008, Team video
Video Editor

I shot and edited the video documentary entitled "The Last Generation" dealing with the culture of the gauchos of Argentina. I lived on an estancia (Spanish for farm) in Argentina for five days during the filming of the documentary. South of Here is a project by UNC and University de los Andes dealing with everyday life and the history of the Patagonia region of South America.

Click image to view project.

MNN Projects

Here are links to the main projects I have been working on at the Mother Nature Network. I have shot and edited these entirely on my own.
Three of them are on-going series, that have a short-form TV feel to them:
"Cooking with Chef A"
"In the Field with Farmer D"
"The Green Party with Danielle V"

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Blogging about getting blogged about

I got blogged about! It's kind of embarrassing, but click here to view.